Militarista - Plantilla de comercio electrónico MotoCMS para tienda de armas

6 meses de apoyo Con el producto, obtendrá 6 meses de soporte del autor. Para más info, por favor, consulte la política de soporte.

shoppingBag Ventas: 6


Creado: 18 ago 2018

Actualizado: 18 ago 2018

identificación: 71468

Militarista - Plantilla de comercio electrónico MotoCMS para tienda de armas - Características Imagen 1Militarista - Plantilla de comercio electrónico MotoCMS para tienda de armas - Características Imagen 2

Lista de cambios

Chachira v1.1 (13 September, 2019): - The was added the opportunity of visual editing and styling of the following widgets: Related Products, Authorization, Forgot Password, Registration, Checkout, Account, Product Properties, Comparison List, Shopping Card; - Wish List functionality was added. It brings related widgets: Wish List and Add To Wishlist. Now logged-in users can add products to wish list; - The new Filters widget was added to the admin panel. It allows visitors to filter products by brands, pricing, and other properties to boost the searching process and make it more effective; - New widgets were added to the admin panel. Now the administrator can add the related products to the product page. Moreover, the new version allows clients to compare products on a separate page; - The new Breadcrumbs widget was added to the admin panel. This graphic control element aims to simplify the entire navigation on the website; - The Accordion widget was added. This functionality allows to improve design and display content in a new way; - The new Advanced Slider widget was added to the admin panel. It allows you to represent essential content as compelling slides so to enhance the value of the slider on your website. Feel free to edit necessary slides by customizing their background using color, video or images; - Google Map Pro - a new advanced Google Map widget was added to the admin panel. Using it, you can not only connect to Google Maps and display your office location on the website pages, but also choose different map themes, customize the controls display and add the necessary markers; - Tabs widget was added to allow users organize content effectively; - Tags and Categories for Blog are added to the admin panel. They will help you to sort out your content and so will make the search on your blog comfortable and efficient for users; - Updated to the newest MotoCMS 3 version; - Bugs fixed.

1 Reseñas de este producto

Шаблон понравился сразу – цветовая гамма и стиль очень современные, запоминающиеся, сразу бросаются в глаза. Шаблон купили для коммерческого использования. Сайт по продаже товаров пром. назначения, но шаблон по стилистике подошел очень кстати. Сайт-каталог, созданный на основе шаблона, выгодно отличается от подобных у наших конкурентов. И новизной, и современным стилем, и скоростью работы. Фотоматериал на сайт загружается удивительно быстро, готовый сайт в сети открывается моментально. Сразу видно – шаблон разрабатывали профессионалы! По-прежнему очень благодарны службе техподдержки шаблонов – очень оперативно и компетентно отвечают на все вопросы, помогают круглосуточно.

0 Comentarios para este producto

Sobre autor

Guru Author

Customer Support

4,6 /5
Support rating (16 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 14 4 0 3 1 2 0 1 1
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik


Additional Info:

Gallery Script:


Moto CMS Version:

Web Forms:

Requisitos del software y hosting:

Curl Curl
The mod_rewrite Apache module The mod_rewrite Apache module
PHP 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4 PHP 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4
MySQL 5.1+ MySQL 5.1+
Spl Spl
Reflection Reflection
Json Json